Dense-Pack Insulation Calculator Dense Pack Insulation Calculator Length (Ft)Height (Ft)ORCalculated Wall AreaEnter calculated wall area OR length x height inputsWall Cavity Framing(Required)Select Framing size2x42x62x8Framing DimensionWindow and Door Area (ft²)Insulation Bag Weight (lbs)Check with local jurisdiction on requirements. Common bag weights: Loose Fiberglass - 33 lbs Loose Cellulose (white bag) - 20 lbs Loose Cellulose (clear bag) - 30 lbs Required Density (lbs/ft³)Common Density Requirements: Loose Fiberglass - 2.2 lbs/ft³ Loose Cellulose - 3.5 lbs/ft³Step-by-step CalculationsCalculated Wall Area (Length X Height, ft²)Subtract window & doors (Total Area - WD, ft²)Calculate Gross Volume of the Wall (Total Wall Area x Wall Depth in Feet)Net Wall Volume (Total Wall Volume X 0.85, ft³)0.85 is wall area - 15% deducted for framingTotal Pounds of Insulation (lb)Net Wall Volume X Required DensityTotal Bag Count (Total Pounds of Insulation ÷ Bag Weight)Estimated Bag CountIt is best practice to add 10-15% to the final bag count10%New total bag count with 10% contingency15%New total bag count with 15% contingencyReset Δ