Course Description:
Successful completion of the course will lead to EPA Certified Renovator certification. HUD requirements are also covered during this training. This class is approved for certification for the Renovator, Repair and Painting Program pursuant to Section 402 of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)(15U.S.C. 2682) and WAC Code 365-230 (Washington State).
Module 1 – Objectives for Lead Safe Work Practices Training Module 2 – Objectives for Lead Safe Worker Protection
Module 1
Objectives for Lead Safe Work Practices Training
1) To understand why it is important to minimize and control the generation of lead dust when doing Renovation, Remodeling, Rehabilitation and Maintenance work.
2) To gain a working knowledge of tools and techniques required to achieve those objectives.
3) To understand the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development , Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and Washington State Department of Commerce rules and regulations regarding the disturbance of lead-based painted surfaces during renovation, remodeling, and rehabilitation in target housing.
4) To gain a working knowledge of the regulations governing worker protection from hazards created by the disturbance of lead based painted surfaces.
Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to perform renovation, remodeling, and rehabilitation in a manner that minimizes creation and dispersal of lead contaminated dust and protects residents, especially children, from possible lead exposure.
This module will show contractors how to perform their work in a manner that creates the least amount of dust possible, and how to contain and clean up dust that they do create so that it does not spread throughout the house or to neighboring properties.
The techniques discussed in this module apply to work performed by a variety of contractors and employees, including plumbers, electricians, residential renovators, remodelers, and painters.
Module 2
Objectives for Lead Safe Worker Protection
1) To gain a thorough understanding of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (insert Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act for Washington State trainings) standards and requirements for protecting workers from harmful levels of lead in construction.
2) To gain familiarity with the use of equipment used to monitor and protect workers from exposure to harmful levels of lead in construction.
3) To understand what is needed to implement a worker protection program that complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (insert Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act for Washington State trainings).
Upon completion of this module, participants will have been provided with the information necessary to able to implement a Lead Safe Worker program that complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration standards and requirements to prevent lead exposure in construction.