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Webinar – Trade Ally Network NW NLC and HVAC UES Training

March 14, 2023 @ 7:30 am - 11:30 am

How can you make yourself valuable to your customers? Join Trade Ally Network NW’s lighting and HVAC experts to hear about the latest technologies and utility program incentives. The more you learn, the more competitive you’ll be in selling more projects and growing your business.


This training will cover available Lighting and HVAC UES measures and discuss the process for submission, approval and completion of custom projects in order to receive incentives through local utility energy efficiency programs. This training will have two breakout sessions, one for Lighting and one for HVAC:

·     Hands On with Networked Lighting Controls (NLC) – Today’s lighting controls are easy to install and provide excellent savings and flexibility for your customers. In this session, you’ll get a hands-on experience with Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC) demonstration kits and learn tips and tricks on how to configure LLLC in real-time, helping your business deliver a cost-effective and customizable lighting product.

·     HVAC UES “Wins” – There are a wide variety of applicable HVAC measures available to help your customers increase the comfort of their business. In this session, the Network will highlight projects that successfully utilized HVAC UES measure incentives throughout the Pacific Northwest, including detailed project costs, incentives, and the impact of savings from energy efficient HVAC upgrades. This session will also feature a roundtable discussion to discuss experiences with HVAC measures and how the Trade Ally Network NW can better support the HVAC market.

Click here to register for the webinar.


March 14, 2023
7:30 am - 11:30 am


Trade Ally Network NW
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