Webinar – Electric Heat Pumps for Space Heating and Cooling

As our electricity supply becomes cleaner due to increased use of renewable's for generation along with a growing number of local ordinances prohibiting installs in new homes, electricity becomes an attractive fuel source to designers and builders interested in reducing residential greenhouse gas emissions and creating zero net energy buildings. Dan Perunko of Balance Point […]

Webinar – Electric Heat Pumps for Water Heating

As our electricity supply becomes cleaner due to an increased use of renewables for generation, along with a growing number of local ordinances prohibiting gas installs in new homes, electricity becomes an attractive fuel source to designers and builders interested in reducing residential greenhouse gas emissions and creating zero carbon homes. Dan Perunko of Balance […]

Webinar – Optimizing Residential Forced-Air HVAC Systems: Efficiency, Comfort and Low Loss Duct Systems

Optimizing Residential Forced-Air HVAC Systems: Efficiency, Comfort and Low Loss Duct Systems Improved design, installation and commissioning practices lead to a dramatic improvement in building energy consumption, indoor air quality, and comfort. There are six performance factors that can be applied to HVAC design, installation and/or commissioning. In the Optimizing Residential Forced-Air series, we will […]


Webinar – Practical Efficient Hot Water Delivery: Structured Plumbing Applied in Retrofit and New Construction

Instructors Javier Montalbo - PGE Host PRACTICAL EFFICIENT HOT WATER DELIVERY: STRUCTURED PLUMBING APPLIED IN RETROFIT AND NEW CONSTRUCTION - WEBINAR 04/25/2024 Local Time 09:00 am - 12:00 pm (GMT -07:00) America/Los_Angeles 3 hours Webinar Agenda: Introduction and safety message Overview of structured plumbing design Material choices and water flow Pump options Typical plumbing layout vs […]
