Bellingham – Combustion Safety for Weatherization

Course Description:

This Combustion Safety (CS) for Weatherization* course is a 1-day (6 hour) training focusing on basic safety testing of combustion appliances. It is designed to provide new and current Building Analysts the knowledge of and procedures included in the Building Performance Institute (BPI) 1200 standard and Washington State Department of Commerce Weatherization Specifications.  Instruction will include introduction and review of CS concepts, identification of combustion appliances and parts, use of required equipment, and procedures required for proper combustion safety testing.

Reference Material:

  • ANSI/BPI 1200 Standard – with focus on Section 7
  • WA State Combustion Safety Form and Technical Support Doc – WA DOC Specs 9.4A and B
  • WA State Department of Commerce Specs


Bellingham – Building Analyst Technician

Course Description:

This In-Person Building Analyst Technician (BA-T) course is a 3- day (21 hours of instruction) training designed to prepare students for all requirements of a Building Analyst Technician and to prepare them for field work involving energy auditing data collection. All instruction and support will be in accordance with the BPI Building Analyst Technician Certification Scheme Handbook and will prepare candidates for the BA-T field exam. This course covers all of the information in the BA-T Job Task Analysis, instructs on how to conduct residential building science-based blower door and combustion safety testing and other forms of home performance data collection.

Reference Materials:

Course Content & Objectives:

    • BA-T JTA Domain 1: Building Science: Describe and identify all basic and complex elements of building science in a home according to BPI JTA.
    • BA-T JTA Domain 2: Buildings and Their Systems: Describe and identify all components of a home including their interactions according to BPI JTA.
    • BA-T JTA Domain 3: Testing and Data Collection: Identify and perform all building and mechanical testing according to BPI JTA. Identify and collect appropriate information about building components, mechanicals, baseload, applications, and health and safety concerns according to BPI JTA.

Course Requirements:


  • Access to the internet for each person
      • Ability to download documents
      • BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC



    • BPI Building Science Principles Certificate of Knowledge


Assessments and Grading:

    • All assessments will be multiple choice question style
      • In-progress assessment activities throughout
      • One final assessment
    • Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment


Bellingham – Building Analyst Technician

Course Description:

This In-Person Building Analyst Technician (BA-T) course is a 3- day (21 hours of instruction) training designed to prepare students for all requirements of a Building Analyst Technician and to prepare them for field work involving energy auditing data collection. All instruction and support will be in accordance with the BPI Building Analyst Technician Certification Scheme Handbook and will prepare candidates for the BA-T field exam. This course covers all of the information in the BA-T Job Task Analysis, instructs on how to conduct residential building science-based blower door and combustion safety testing and other forms of home performance data collection.

Reference Materials:

Course Content & Objectives:

    • BA-T JTA Domain 1: Building Science: Describe and identify all basic and complex elements of building science in a home according to BPI JTA.
    • BA-T JTA Domain 2: Buildings and Their Systems: Describe and identify all components of a home including their interactions according to BPI JTA.
    • BA-T JTA Domain 3: Testing and Data Collection: Identify and perform all building and mechanical testing according to BPI JTA. Identify and collect appropriate information about building components, mechanicals, baseload, applications, and health and safety concerns according to BPI JTA.

Course Requirements:


  • Access to the internet for each person
      • Ability to download documents
      • BPC provided online Learning Management System – Moodle link to be sent by BPC



    • BPI Building Science Principles Certificate of Knowledge


Assessments and Grading:

    • All assessments will be multiple choice question style
      • In-progress assessment activities throughout
      • One final assessment
    • Candidate must achieve a 70% or higher to pass the final assessment


Bellingham – Combustion Safety for Weatherization

Course Description:

This Combustion Safety (CS) for Weatherization* course is a 1-day (6 hour) training focusing on basic safety testing of combustion appliances. It is designed to provide new and current Building Analysts the knowledge of and procedures included in the Building Performance Institute (BPI) 1200 standard and Washington State Department of Commerce Weatherization Specifications.  Instruction will include introduction and review of CS concepts, identification of combustion appliances and parts, use of required equipment, and procedures required for proper combustion safety testing.

Reference Material:

  • ANSI/BPI 1200 Standard – with focus on Section 7
  • WA State Combustion Safety Form and Technical Support Doc – WA DOC Specs 9.4A and B
  • WA State Department of Commerce Specs


Bellingham – Combustion Safety for Weatherization

Course Description:

This Combustion Safety (CS) for Weatherization* course is a 1-day (6 hour) training focusing on basic safety testing of combustion appliances. It is designed to provide new and current Building Analysts the knowledge of and procedures included in the Building Performance Institute (BPI) 1200 standard and Washington State Department of Commerce Weatherization Specifications.  Instruction will include introduction and review of CS concepts, identification of combustion appliances and parts, use of required equipment, and procedures required for proper combustion safety testing.

Reference Material:

  • ANSI/BPI 1200 Standard – with focus on Section 7
  • WA State Combustion Safety Form and Technical Support Doc – WA DOC Specs 9.4A and B
  • WA State Department of Commerce Specs